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Auction day 9011/26/2023
Auction day 895/28/2023
Auction day 8811/27/2022
Auction day 875/29/2022
Auction for Centrum Paraple 5/29/2022
Auction day 8611/28/2021
Auction Day 855/30/2021
Aukce pro Bátor Tábor5/30/2021
Aukce pro Paraple11/29/2020
Auction day 8411/29/2020
Auction day 8312/1/2019
Aukce pro Paměť národa12/1/2019
Auction day 825/26/2019
Auction for Paraple5/26/2019
Auction day 8112/2/2018
Aukce pro Paměť národa12/2/2018
Auction day 805/27/2018
Aukce pro Paraple5/27/2018
Auction day 7911/26/2017
Auction for Paraple11/26/2017
Auction day 785/28/2017
Auction for Paraple5/28/2017
Auction for Paraple11/27/2016
Auction day 7711/27/2016
Auction day 765/29/2016
Auction day 7511/29/2015
Auction day 745/24/2015
Auction day 7311/30/2014
Auction day 725/25/2014
Auction day 7112/1/2013
Auction day 705/19/2013
Auction day 6912/2/2012
Auction day 685/6/2012
Auction day 6711/27/2011
Auction day 665/15/2011
Auction day 6511/28/2010
Auction day 644/25/2010
Auction day 6311/29/2009
Auction day 624/26/2009
Auction day 6111/30/2008
Auction day 604/27/2008
Auction day 5912/2/2007
Auction day 584/29/2007
Results of the 91st auction
Results of the 91st auction
Results of the 91st auction
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