Jiří Straka: Chinese Sandwich
Exhibition starts: 2/7/2020, 10:00 | Exhibition ends: 2/28/2020, 20:00
Jiří Straka's exhibition The Chinese Sandwich, held on the occasion of the publication of thesame title, runs from Friday, 7 February to Friday, 28 February 2020 at the auction andexhibition gallery KODL. The sales exhibition presents a cross-section of the artist's work from 2010 to 2020. Theexhibited works include everyday objects from Chinese streets, industrial themes of cables andwires, figural paintings mapping the fringe of Chinese society, as well as paintings inspired bythe author's birthplace in the Krkonoše mountains. The element connecting all the artworks isthe medium of ink wash painting, which the author has dedicated himself to consistently for overtwenty years. The common motive is also the exploration of the border possibilities of ink washpainting and the search for contrasting, often contradictory and surprising solutions in itsconnection with the western visual tradition. Choosing themes that are foreign to ink washpainting and that give Chinese viewers an unsettling, unusual impression is also a typicalfeature of Straka's paintings. “Ink wash painting is not exactly therapy for me, but it is anattempt to solve the problem of one's own cultural identity torn between two completely differentenvironments. It is an attempt to make an irrational urge make sense.” says the artist. Guided tour with the author himself on Thursday, February 13, 2020 from 4 pm, and on Thursday, February 20, 2020, from 6:30 pm the artist's performance. You are all cordially invited!