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82nd auction day exhibition

Exhibition starts:  4/23/2019, 08:00  |  Exhibition ends:  5/25/2019, 16:00

Items of the exhibition

Jan Honsa (1876–1937) On village square
On village square
Jan Honsa (1876–1937)
On village square
Václav Špála (1885–1946) Apples
Václav Špála (1885–1946)
Toyen (1902–1980) Irreplaceables versus the fire of the razor
Irreplaceables versus the fire of the razor
Toyen (1902–1980)
Irreplaceables versus the fire of the razor
Antonín Chittussi (1847–1891) Rocky hillside
Rocky hillside
Antonín Chittussi (1847–1891)
Rocky hillside
Josef Šíma (1891–1971) Tree
Josef Šíma (1891–1971)
Gustáv Mallý (1879–1952) Dhildren in the meadow
Dhildren in the meadow
Gustáv Mallý (1879–1952)
Dhildren in the meadow
Ota Bubeníček (1871–1962) Village view
Village view
Ota Bubeníček (1871–1962)
Village view
František Gross (1909–1985) Head
František Gross (1909–1985)
Julius Mařák (1832–1899) Forest pool
Forest pool
Julius Mařák (1832–1899)
Forest pool
Jan Zrzavý (1890–1977) Portrait
Jan Zrzavý (1890–1977)
Jiří Krejčí (1899–1977) Large landscape
Large landscape
Jiří Krejčí (1899–1977)
Large landscape
Alois Kirnig (1840–1911) Hoher Göll v poledne
Hoher Göll v poledne
Alois Kirnig (1840–1911)
Hoher Göll v poledne
Vojtěch Preissig (1873–1944) Seven ravens
Seven ravens
Vojtěch Preissig (1873–1944)
Seven ravens
Jaroslav Hořánek (1925–1995) Meeting at the National club
Meeting at the National club
Jaroslav Hořánek (1925–1995)
Meeting at the National club
Josef Šíma (1891–1971) Orfeus
Josef Šíma (1891–1971)
František Líbal (1896–1974) Blue morn
Blue morn
František Líbal (1896–1974)
Blue morn
Olbram Zoubek (1926–2017) Terpsichoré
Olbram Zoubek (1926–2017)
Stanislav Lolek (1873–1936) By the river
By the river
Stanislav Lolek (1873–1936)
By the river
František Janoušek (1890–1943) Untitled
František Janoušek (1890–1943)
Jan Slavíček (1900–1970) Autumn bouquet
Autumn bouquet
Jan Slavíček (1900–1970)
Autumn bouquet
autor neznámý
On the lake shore
On the lake shore
autor neznámý
On the lake shore
Jan Merta (✱ 1952) Officer and sun
Officer and sun
Jan Merta (✱ 1952)
Officer and sun
Hanuš Schwaiger (1854–1912) Meat shops in Antwerp
Meat shops in Antwerp
Hanuš Schwaiger (1854–1912)
Meat shops in Antwerp
Václav Špála (1885–1946) Bouquet with tulips
Bouquet with tulips
Václav Špála (1885–1946)
Bouquet with tulips
Josef Lada (1887–1957) Successful hunt
Successful hunt
Josef Lada (1887–1957)
Successful hunt
Hugo Ullik (1838–1881) Alpine landscape with small mill
Alpine landscape with small mill
Hugo Ullik (1838–1881)
Alpine landscape with small mill
Andy Warhol (1928–1987) Red Lenin
Red Lenin
Andy Warhol (1928–1987)
Red Lenin
Miloslav Chlupáč (1920–2008) Interior
Miloslav Chlupáč (1920–2008)
František Kaván (1866–1941) At the Král's sawmill
At the Král's sawmill
František Kaván (1866–1941)
At the Král's sawmill
Zdeněk Tůma (1907–1943) Still life with domino
Still life with domino
Zdeněk Tůma (1907–1943)
Still life with domino
Gabriel Cornelius Max (1840–1915) St. Lucy
St. Lucy
Gabriel Cornelius Max (1840–1915)
St. Lucy
Alois Kalvoda (1875–1934) Randezvous
Alois Kalvoda (1875–1934)
Václav Špála (1885–1946) Still Life
Still Life
Václav Špála (1885–1946)
Still Life
Antonín Hudeček (1872–1941) In park
In park
Antonín Hudeček (1872–1941)
In park
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900) Landscape with fishermen
Landscape with fishermen
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900)
Landscape with fishermen
Zdeňka Braunerová (1858–1934) By the road
By the road
Zdeňka Braunerová (1858–1934)
By the road
Václav Jan Kautský (1827–1896) Summer evening
Summer evening
Václav Jan Kautský (1827–1896)
Summer evening
Hans Bohrdt (1857–1945) Coast at sunset
Coast at sunset
Hans Bohrdt (1857–1945)
Coast at sunset
Josef Jíra (1929–2005) Autumn
Josef Jíra (1929–2005)
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979) Still life with jug and bottle of wine
Still life with jug and bottle of wine
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979)
Still life with jug and bottle of wine
Maxim Kopf (1892–1958) Orgy
Maxim Kopf (1892–1958)
Jan Kutálek (1917–1987) Circus rider
Circus rider
Jan Kutálek (1917–1987)
Circus rider
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953) Winter in Štramberk
Winter in Štramberk
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953)
Winter in Štramberk
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Landscape with ball
Landscape with ball
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Landscape with ball
Václav Špála (1885–1946) Still life with fruit
Still life with fruit
Václav Špála (1885–1946)
Still life with fruit
František Janoušek (1890–1943) Bez názvu
Bez názvu
František Janoušek (1890–1943)
Bez názvu
Miloslav Chlupáč (1920–2008) Woman with child
Woman with child
Miloslav Chlupáč (1920–2008)
Woman with child
Josef Váchal (1884–1969) In memoriam Marie Váchalové
In memoriam Marie Váchalové
Josef Váchal (1884–1969)
In memoriam Marie Váchalové
Jan Honsa (1876–1937) Seine riverside
Seine riverside
Jan Honsa (1876–1937)
Seine riverside
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Motocycles
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Jiří Kaloč (✱ 1943) Landscape with virtual architecture
Landscape with virtual architecture
Jiří Kaloč (✱ 1943)
Landscape with virtual architecture
Alfréd Justitz (1879–1934) Village road
Village road
Alfréd Justitz (1879–1934)
Village road
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956) Mother and father-in-law (pendant)
Mother and father-in-law (pendant)
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956)
Mother and father-in-law (pendant)
Josef Multrus (1898–1957) From Cesky Krumlov
From Cesky Krumlov
Josef Multrus (1898–1957)
From Cesky Krumlov
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969) Bouquet with anemones
Bouquet with anemones
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969)
Bouquet with anemones
František Foltýn (1891–1976) Composition
František Foltýn (1891–1976)
Ludmila Jiřincová (1912–1994) Girls
Ludmila Jiřincová (1912–1994)
Josef Multrus (1898–1957) Satyr
Josef Multrus (1898–1957)
František Kupka (1871–1957) Illustration to Josef Svatopluk Machar's book Zde by měly kvést růže
Illustration to Josef Svatopluk Machar's book Zde by měly kvést růže
František Kupka (1871–1957)
Illustration to Josef Svatopluk Machar's book Zde by měly kvést růže
Josef Liesler (1912–2005) Sad women
Sad women
Josef Liesler (1912–2005)
Sad women
Adolf Hoffmeister (1902–1973) Kafka's table in cafe Arco
Kafka's table in cafe Arco
Adolf Hoffmeister (1902–1973)
Kafka's table in cafe Arco
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Landscape with fish
Landscape with fish
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Landscape with fish
Josef Lada (1887–1957) German quickly and easily
German quickly and easily
Josef Lada (1887–1957)
German quickly and easily
Jaroslava Pešicová (1935–2015) Father
Jaroslava Pešicová (1935–2015)
Norbert Grund (1717–1767) Rustic party (pendant)
Rustic party (pendant)
Norbert Grund (1717–1767)
Rustic party (pendant)
Josef Lada (1887–1957) Escape
Josef Lada (1887–1957)
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Landscape with bottle
Landscape with bottle
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Landscape with bottle
Jan Bauch (1898–1995) Dancer and green horse
Dancer and green horse
Jan Bauch (1898–1995)
Dancer and green horse
Jan Knap (✱ 1949) Untitled
Jan Knap (✱ 1949)
Jan Hála (1890–1959) Bathing
Jan Hála (1890–1959)
Bohuslav Dvořák (1867–1951) Lookout
Bohuslav Dvořák (1867–1951)
Antonín Hudeček (1872–1941) Peonies
Antonín Hudeček (1872–1941)
Quido Mánes (1828–1880) Children with bird nest
Children with bird nest
Quido Mánes (1828–1880)
Children with bird nest
František Gross (1909–1985) Stalin's monument building
Stalin's monument building
František Gross (1909–1985)
Stalin's monument building
Hugo Demartini (1931–2010) Untitled
Hugo Demartini (1931–2010)
Jiří Kolář (1914–2002) Untitled
Jiří Kolář (1914–2002)
Zdeněk Burian (1905–1981) Zubrany
Zdeněk Burian (1905–1981)
Vladimír Komárek (✱ 1928) Window
Vladimír Komárek (✱ 1928)
Josef Ullmann (1870–1922) From Kamenny Privoz
From Kamenny Privoz
Josef Ullmann (1870–1922)
From Kamenny Privoz
Jan Zrzavý (1890–1977) Diana II
Diana II
Jan Zrzavý (1890–1977)
Diana II
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981) Via Appia III
Via Appia III
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981)
Via Appia III
ELTON hodinářská, a.s
ELTON hodinářská, a.s
Josef Čapek (1887–1945) Quial
Josef Čapek (1887–1945)
Ota Janeček (1919–1996) Kompletní soubor ilustrací ke knize Juana Ramóna Jiméneze Stříbrňák a já
Kompletní soubor ilustrací ke knize Juana Ramóna Jiméneze Stříbrňák a já
Ota Janeček (1919–1996)
Kompletní soubor ilustrací ke knize Juana Ramóna Jiméneze Stříbrňák a já
František Drtikol (1883–1961) Konvolut čtyř fotografií dekorativních motivů a reklamní leták
Konvolut čtyř fotografií dekorativních motivů a reklamní leták
František Drtikol (1883–1961)
Konvolut čtyř fotografií dekorativních motivů a reklamní leták
Mikuláš Medek (1926–1974) The view onto some saint
The view onto some saint
Mikuláš Medek (1926–1974)
The view onto some saint
Václav Brožík (1851–1901) First kiss
First kiss
Václav Brožík (1851–1901)
First kiss
Antonie Brandeisová (1849–1926) View of the Ca’ d’ Oro Palace (Golden Palace) and the Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice (pandan)
View of the Ca’ d’ Oro Palace (Golden Palace) and the Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice (pandan)
Antonie Brandeisová (1849–1926)
View of the Ca’ d’ Oro Palace (Golden Palace) and the Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice (pandan)
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979) Winter still life in the studio
Winter still life in the studio
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979)
Winter still life in the studio
Jiří Georg Dokoupil (✱ 1954) Fiňuki tu
Fiňuki tu
Jiří Georg Dokoupil (✱ 1954)
Fiňuki tu
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Still life with owl
Still life with owl
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Still life with owl
Jaroslav Král (1883–1942) Reader
Jaroslav Král (1883–1942)
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956) Still life with Chinese camel
Still life with Chinese camel
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956)
Still life with Chinese camel
Bohumír Matal (1922–1988) Triptych
Bohumír Matal (1922–1988)
Josef Šíma (1891–1971) Landscape in Auvergne
Landscape in Auvergne
Josef Šíma (1891–1971)
Landscape in Auvergne
Václav Špála (1885–1946) Rapids on the Orlice River
Rapids on the Orlice River
Václav Špála (1885–1946)
Rapids on the Orlice River
Mikuláš Medek (1926–1974) Red ace
Red ace
Mikuláš Medek (1926–1974)
Red ace
Cyril Bouda (1901–1984) Venice
Cyril Bouda (1901–1984)
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Horse attacked by lion
Horse attacked by lion
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Horse attacked by lion
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900) Bavarian landscape
Bavarian landscape
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900)
Bavarian landscape
Ota Janeček (1919–1996) Autumn lane/ Red butterfly
Autumn lane/ Red butterfly
Ota Janeček (1919–1996)
Autumn lane/ Red butterfly
Josef Jíra (1929–2005) Winter at Malá Skála
Winter at Malá Skála
Josef Jíra (1929–2005)
Winter at Malá Skála
František Kaván (1866–1941) Evening in Podkrkonosi
Evening in Podkrkonosi
František Kaván (1866–1941)
Evening in Podkrkonosi
Beneš Knüpfer (1844–1910) Mount Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius
Beneš Knüpfer (1844–1910)
Mount Vesuvius
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969) Loire landscape
Loire landscape
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969)
Loire landscape
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Zátiší se sklenicí a hrozny
Zátiší se sklenicí a hrozny
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Zátiší se sklenicí a hrozny
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Tree and ball (Nature)
Tree and ball (Nature)
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Tree and ball (Nature)
August Bedřich Piepenhagen (1791–1868) Mountainscape with lake (Vierwaldstätter See)
Mountainscape with lake (Vierwaldstätter See)
August Bedřich Piepenhagen (1791–1868)
Mountainscape with lake (Vierwaldstätter See)
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979) Still life with peony and pitcher
Still life with peony and pitcher
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979)
Still life with peony and pitcher
Václav Boštík (1913–2005) Bouquet
Václav Boštík (1913–2005)
Josef Čapek (1887–1945) Two men
Two men
Josef Čapek (1887–1945)
Two men
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Still life with teapot
Still life with teapot
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Still life with teapot
Antonín Chittussi (1847–1891) Lakeside landscape
Lakeside landscape
Antonín Chittussi (1847–1891)
Lakeside landscape
Ota Janeček (1919–1996) Hideaway
Ota Janeček (1919–1996)
Alfréd Justitz (1879–1934) Bouquet
Alfréd Justitz (1879–1934)
Jan Knap (✱ 1949) Untitled
Jan Knap (✱ 1949)
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Workshop
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Julius Mařák (1832–1899) The corner of the garden
The corner of the garden
Julius Mařák (1832–1899)
The corner of the garden
Václav Radimský (1867–1946) Winter landscape (Motif from Brolles)
Winter landscape (Motif from Brolles)
Václav Radimský (1867–1946)
Winter landscape (Motif from Brolles)
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981) Playground
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981)
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Still life with carboy
Still life with carboy
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Still life with carboy
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900) Obersee by Köningssee
Obersee by Köningssee
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900)
Obersee by Köningssee
Josef Jíra (1929–2005) Lovers
Josef Jíra (1929–2005)
Jiří John (1923–1972) Green landscape
Green landscape
Jiří John (1923–1972)
Green landscape
Jiří Kars (1880–1945) Still life with pineapple
Still life with pineapple
Jiří Kars (1880–1945)
Still life with pineapple
František Kupka (1871–1957) A, Study for the circular and the rectilinear, B, Abstraction
A, Study for the circular and the rectilinear, B, Abstraction
František Kupka (1871–1957)
A, Study for the circular and the rectilinear, B, Abstraction
František Muzika (1900–1974) Still life with grapes
Still life with grapes
František Muzika (1900–1974)
Still life with grapes
Mikuláš Medek (1926–1974) Thirsty angel III
Thirsty angel III
Mikuláš Medek (1926–1974)
Thirsty angel III
Jan Preisler (1872–1918) Merciful samaritan
Merciful samaritan
Jan Preisler (1872–1918)
Merciful samaritan
Václav Radimský (1867–1946) Landscape in Giverny
Landscape in Giverny
Václav Radimský (1867–1946)
Landscape in Giverny
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979) Bouquet by the library
Bouquet by the library
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979)
Bouquet by the library
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953) Motif from Vepřovice
Motif from Vepřovice
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953)
Motif from Vepřovice
Václav Brožík (1851–1901) At harvest
At harvest
Václav Brožík (1851–1901)
At harvest
Óscar Domínguez (1906–1957) Women on a balcony
Women on a balcony
Óscar Domínguez (1906–1957)
Women on a balcony
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Still life with guitar
Still life with guitar
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Still life with guitar
František Janoušek (1890–1943) Untitled
František Janoušek (1890–1943)
Alois Kalvoda (1875–1934) Parisian park
Parisian park
Alois Kalvoda (1875–1934)
Parisian park
Jiří Kars (1880–1945) Nude on sofa
Nude on sofa
Jiří Kars (1880–1945)
Nude on sofa
Martin Krajc (✱ 1984) Matador in Red and Black
Matador in Red and Black
Martin Krajc (✱ 1984)
Matador in Red and Black
Václav Radimský (1867–1946) Windy afternoon
Windy afternoon
Václav Radimský (1867–1946)
Windy afternoon
Jakub Schikaneder (1855–1924) In church
In church
Jakub Schikaneder (1855–1924)
In church
Lubomír Typlt (✱ 1975) Séance of the enlightened
Séance of the enlightened
Lubomír Typlt (✱ 1975)
Séance of the enlightened
Ondřej Basjuk (✱ 1983) Ruins of Liliputa
Ruins of Liliputa
Ondřej Basjuk (✱ 1983)
Ruins of Liliputa
Gabriel Cornelius Max (1840–1915) Antique tableau
Antique tableau
Gabriel Cornelius Max (1840–1915)
Antique tableau
Josef Navrátil (1798–1865) Dame with a small dog
Dame with a small dog
Josef Navrátil (1798–1865)
Dame with a small dog
Jaroslav Róna (✱ 1957) Lion (Guardian)
Lion (Guardian)
Jaroslav Róna (✱ 1957)
Lion (Guardian)
Jan Slavíček (1900–1970) Corsica
Jan Slavíček (1900–1970)
Václav Špála (1885–1946) Peonies
Václav Špála (1885–1946)
Jindřich Štyrský (1899–1942) Orion
Jindřich Štyrský (1899–1942)
Vladimír Sychra (1903–1963) Dreamscape
Vladimír Sychra (1903–1963)
Andy Warhol (1928–1987) Lenin
Andy Warhol (1928–1987)
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979) Bouquet in a vase
Bouquet in a vase
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979)
Bouquet in a vase
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953) Still life with pumpkins
Still life with pumpkins
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953)
Still life with pumpkins
Bedřich Dlouhý (✱ 1932) Demon
Bedřich Dlouhý (✱ 1932)
Jaroslav Hořánek (1925–1995) Black-haired girl
Black-haired girl
Jaroslav Hořánek (1925–1995)
Black-haired girl
František Hudeček (1909–1990) City by night
City by night
František Hudeček (1909–1990)
City by night
Ota Janeček (1919–1996) Seeds in the grass
Seeds in the grass
Ota Janeček (1919–1996)
Seeds in the grass
Josef Jíra (1929–2005) Bojanov
Josef Jíra (1929–2005)
Jiří John (1923–1972) Acker
Jiří John (1923–1972)
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956) Still life with apples
Still life with apples
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956)
Still life with apples
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969) Paysage au mur (Simiane)
Paysage au mur (Simiane)
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969)
Paysage au mur (Simiane)
Josef Váchal (1884–1969) The dead of the forest
The dead of the forest
Josef Váchal (1884–1969)
The dead of the forest
Jindřich Štyrský (1899–1942) Tribute to Picasso
Tribute to Picasso
Jindřich Štyrský (1899–1942)
Tribute to Picasso
Václav Radimský (1867–1946) River
Václav Radimský (1867–1946)
Václav Špála (1885–1946) Flowers
Václav Špála (1885–1946)
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969) Imaginary portrait of Edgar Allan Poe
Imaginary portrait of Edgar Allan Poe
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969)
Imaginary portrait of Edgar Allan Poe
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981) Landscape by Prague
Landscape by Prague
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981)
Landscape by Prague
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979) Slavic island
Slavic island
Vincenc Beneš (1883–1979)
Slavic island
Bedřich Feigl (1885–1965) Port de Cassis
Port de Cassis
Bedřich Feigl (1885–1965)
Port de Cassis
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Central Bohemian Highlands
Central Bohemian Highlands
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Central Bohemian Highlands
Miloslav Chlupáč (1920–2008) Guitarist II
Guitarist II
Miloslav Chlupáč (1920–2008)
Guitarist II
Ota Janeček (1919–1996) Landscape with bird and leaf
Landscape with bird and leaf
Ota Janeček (1919–1996)
Landscape with bird and leaf
Jiří Kars (1880–1945) Square with tower
Square with tower
Jiří Kars (1880–1945)
Square with tower
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969) Nude
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969)
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981) Quarry
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981)
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953) Cottages in Štramberk
Cottages in Štramberk
Oldřich Blažíček (1887–1953)
Cottages in Štramberk
Adolf Born (1930–2016) At Novak's
At Novak's
Adolf Born (1930–2016)
At Novak's
Antonie Brandeisová (1849–1926) View of the Italian coast
View of the Italian coast
Antonie Brandeisová (1849–1926)
View of the Italian coast
Václav Brožík (1851–1901) Sunset in Brittany landscape
Sunset in Brittany landscape
Václav Brožík (1851–1901)
Sunset in Brittany landscape
Josef Čapek (1887–1945) Figure called Lelio
Figure called Lelio
Josef Čapek (1887–1945)
Figure called Lelio
Libor Fára (1925–1988) Sheet metal talk
Sheet metal talk
Libor Fára (1925–1988)
Sheet metal talk
Emil Filla (1882–1953) Still life with lemons
Still life with lemons
Emil Filla (1882–1953)
Still life with lemons
Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin (1841–1927) Epinay-Le-Breuil
Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin (1841–1927)
Karel Holan (1893–1953) Pilgrimage
Karel Holan (1893–1953)
Miloslav Holý (1897–1974) Bouquet of peonies
Bouquet of peonies
Miloslav Holý (1897–1974)
Bouquet of peonies
Antonín Chittussi (1847–1891) Moorland in Fontainebleau
Moorland in Fontainebleau
Antonín Chittussi (1847–1891)
Moorland in Fontainebleau
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900) Temple of Hera in Paestum
Temple of Hera in Paestum
Adolf Chwala (1836–1900)
Temple of Hera in Paestum
Ota Janeček (1919–1996) Head
Ota Janeček (1919–1996)
František Janoušek (1890–1943) Sweeping woman
Sweeping woman
František Janoušek (1890–1943)
Sweeping woman
Jan Knap (✱ 1949) Untitled
Jan Knap (✱ 1949)
Jiří Kolář (1914–2002) Four-portrait
Jiří Kolář (1914–2002)
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956) Still life with mortar
Still life with mortar
Ludvík Kuba (1863–1956)
Still life with mortar
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969) Summer landscape in Provence
Summer landscape in Provence
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969)
Summer landscape in Provence
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Garden centre
Garden centre
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Garden centre
Luděk Marold (1865–1898) From the World's Fair in Chicago
From the World's Fair in Chicago
Luděk Marold (1865–1898)
From the World's Fair in Chicago
Jan Merta (✱ 1952) Three lights
Three lights
Jan Merta (✱ 1952)
Three lights
Pasta Oner (✱ 1979) Timeless
Pasta Oner (✱ 1979)
Zdenka Reinerová (✱ 1957) Paris
Zdenka Reinerová (✱ 1957)
Josef Čapek (1887–1945) Woman with basket
Woman with basket
Josef Čapek (1887–1945)
Woman with basket
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990) Tribute to Jules Verne
Tribute to Jules Verne
Kamil Lhoták (1912–1990)
Tribute to Jules Verne
Otakar Nejedlý (1883–1957) Jewish furnaces
Jewish furnaces
Otakar Nejedlý (1883–1957)
Jewish furnaces
Endre Nemes (1909–1985) Doll II
Doll II
Endre Nemes (1909–1985)
Doll II
Jakub Špaňhel (✱ 1976) Bouquet in blue vase
Bouquet in blue vase
Jakub Špaňhel (✱ 1976)
Bouquet in blue vase
Ilja Jefimovič Repin (1844–1930) Portrait of the artist's father
Portrait of the artist's father
Ilja Jefimovič Repin (1844–1930)
Portrait of the artist's father
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969) Chapel in Simiane
Chapel in Simiane
Otakar Kubín (1883–1969)
Chapel in Simiane
Antonín Slavíček (1870–1910) Roofs
Antonín Slavíček (1870–1910)
František Kaván (1866–1941) Frost
František Kaván (1866–1941)
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981) Lonely tree
Lonely tree
Vlastimil Beneš (1919–1981)
Lonely tree
Jan Kotík (1916–2002) Inside
Jan Kotík (1916–2002)
Jan Bauch (1898–1995) Sensual
Jan Bauch (1898–1995)
Zdeněk Sklenář (1910–1986) Dancer
Zdeněk Sklenář (1910–1986)
Jiří Trnka (1912–1969) Portrait of young man
Portrait of young man
Jiří Trnka (1912–1969)
Portrait of young man
Norbert Grund (1717–1767) Flight into Egypt
Flight into Egypt
Norbert Grund (1717–1767)
Flight into Egypt
František Kaván (1866–1941) Under the Prachov Rocks
Under the Prachov Rocks
František Kaván (1866–1941)
Under the Prachov Rocks
Josef Hron
Still life with grapes
Still life with grapes
Josef Hron
Still life with grapes
Josef Ullmann (1870–1922) Farm's way
Farm's way
Josef Ullmann (1870–1922)
Farm's way
Karel Vaca (1919–1989) Divertimento II
Divertimento II
Karel Vaca (1919–1989)
Divertimento II
Jindřich Štyrský (1899–1942) Landscape with leg
Landscape with leg
Jindřich Štyrský (1899–1942)
Landscape with leg
Nikolaj Bakulin (1896–1962) Before hunting
Before hunting
Nikolaj Bakulin (1896–1962)
Before hunting
Jan Zachariáš Quast
Sitting lady
Sitting lady
Jan Zachariáš Quast
Sitting lady
Dalibor Matouš
Dalibor Matouš
Vlaho Bukovac (1855–1922) Portrait of a lady
Portrait of a lady
Vlaho Bukovac (1855–1922)
Portrait of a lady
František Drtikol (1883–1961) Untitled (Portrait of dancer)
Untitled (Portrait of dancer)
František Drtikol (1883–1961)
Untitled (Portrait of dancer)
Jiří Remo Jelínek
Girl's shower
Girl's shower
Jiří Remo Jelínek
Girl's shower
Jan Slavíček (1900–1970) Before harvest
Before harvest
Jan Slavíček (1900–1970)
Before harvest
Maximilien Luce (1858–1941) La baignade
La baignade
Maximilien Luce (1858–1941)
La baignade
Antonín Hudeček (1872–1941) Bělá creek
Bělá creek
Antonín Hudeček (1872–1941)
Bělá creek
Zdeněk Sklenář (1910–1986) Still life with Chinese symbols
Still life with Chinese symbols
Zdeněk Sklenář (1910–1986)
Still life with Chinese symbols
Josef Váchal (1884–1969) Witch
Josef Váchal (1884–1969)
Jan Pištěk (✱ 1961) T-MAX 3
Jan Pištěk (✱ 1961)
František Kupka (1871–1957) Plans diagonaux II
Plans diagonaux II
František Kupka (1871–1957)
Plans diagonaux II
Jakub Schikaneder (1855–1924) Milkmaid
Jakub Schikaneder (1855–1924)
92nd KODL Gallery auction
92nd KODL Gallery auction
92nd KODL Gallery auction
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